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Category: COVID-19

  • Considerations for directors and a test for existing insolvency laws (King & Wood Mallesons)


    As part of its economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government passed a ‘temporary safe harbour’ insolvency measure[1]. It suspends, (for six months if not extended), the current ‘insolvent trading’ regime whereby directors can be personally liable for debts incurred by their company at a time it is insolvent.[2] This alert by King & […]

  • Insolvency law changes are not a silver bullet (Hamilton Locke)


    As part of the stimulus package to support and protect Australian businesses, the Federal Government has today announced a number of temporary changes to the Australian insolvency laws. Summary of proposed changes Outlined below is a summary of the proposed changes based on the limited details provided by the Department of Treasury to date: relief […]

  • Safe Harbour: A port and temporary respite for all in the storm


    TMA Australia welcomes the Federal Government’s implementation of emergency measures to give temporary relief for directors from any personal liability for trading while insolvent.  The Government announced today that the Corporations Act 2001 will be amended to provide temporary and targeted relief for companies to deal with unforeseen events that arise as a result of […]

  • Coronavirus: Dealing with supply chain disruption (FTI Consulting)


    Reaction to the threat from COVID-19 has already imposed significant economic costs on China and the rest of the world. Hopes for a short sharp shock, characterised as a V-shaped dip and rapid return to business as usual are rapidly fading. Business should brace for second and third round effects. Read Report

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