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Law reform to enhance turnaround and restructuring


TMA supports a broad ranging review of our restructuring law regime – but that review should not turn only to Insolvency Practitioners and lawyers.  Those at the heart of turnaround (our TMA membership) should be involved in a wholistic review.  Diverse and expert insights from those at the coal face should inform that debate. Your […]

TMA members are encouraged to submit articles.

Please contact the TMA National Office at or 1300 042 811.

  • 2020 Economic Outlook Event Debrief


    TMA Australia held its annual “Economic Outlook” events in Sydney on 6 February. In Sydney, over 170 guests attended. James Simpson (Gresham Capital Options) from the NSW TMA Committee has prepared the following summary. We also refer you (photos) from the Sydney event. The discussions focused on global and domestic economic trends and potential monetary […]

  • Boom times tipped for nation’s corporate undertakers, The Australian Financial Review


    Patrick Durkin, 9 September 2019 “We’ve had 30 years of prosperity and there a lot of people whose maxim is asset prices only go up and interest rates only go down and they don’t have the ability to adapt to today’s changed circumstances,” said Marcus Derwin, a turnaround consultant who has worked at KPMG, […]

  • Capital Meets Turnaround shines a light on WA turnarounds


    The WA chapter of the Turnaround Management Association held its annual Capital Meets Turnaround event at Perth’s Westin Hotel earlier this month. The evening began with an informative and thoroughly entertaining panel session moderated by Mark Beyer of Business News and included Peter Harold, Managing Director of Panoramic Resources Limited, Leigh Junk, Non-Executive Director at […]

  • 2019 TMA Australia Conference Highlights


    At this year’s National Conference, we had another busy agenda, jam packed with incredibly high-profile speakers who covered the most pertinent topics of the day. Over 300 delegates attended sessions over the one and a half day duration and the Gala Dinner drew a crowd of more than 550 guests. Download the Conference Highlights. View […]

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